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There Are No Coincidences.
The Universe Does Not Make Mistakes.
Fate Will Not Be Denied. 
Read the first four stories of Blue Thunder Clan in this one of a kind box set.
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Welcome to Hairy Wart!

Home of the SOUTHERN FRIED SASS DETECTIVE AGENCY and the DRAGONETTES - proof that it's not the size of the scales but the SASS in the flames that makes the Guardsma...ahem, I mean, GUARDSWOMAN.

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Only Charlie can take the leap of faith, and Only for her Dragon.

The last bachelor in a Force of elite Dragon Guardsmen, Aaron O'Brien, decided long ago that single was the only way to be. Mates, children, and happily ever after were for his Brethren. He alone accepted the responsibility of stopping the traitor and restoring peace to his Clan.
Unfortunately, Fate didn't get the message.

Intelligent, determined, and levelheaded, Dr. Charlene Gallagher always found comfort in logic and reason. When the inexplicable jumped up and smacked her in the face, will Charlie cling to her old beliefs or let go and find answers in the one man who clouds her judgment and ignites her passion?

Nobody said it would be easy.
The fight is real.
It will take compromise and a love created by the Universe to save all they hold dear.

Fate will not be denied, and She takes no prisoners. Buckle up, Buttercups, this one’s for all the marbles.

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The Desert holds many secrets, but are there Christmas miracles, too?

This ain’t your momma’s fairy tale.
When the clock strikes midnight on Christmas Eve, Abbie will lose more than her glass slipper if she hasn’t found her Mate.

Abbie’s prayin’ for a very Dragon Christmas, all she needs is Cass.

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She's a goddess. He's an Omnipotent Being.
What was the Universe thinking?

Take the Norse goddess of the Dead, the Queen of Helheim, who, despite her appearance, has a heart of gold and huge secret she hasn't even told her favorite cousin.

Add the Omnipotent Being known as Hope–the dude who dresses like a 1970s rodeo cowboy 24/7/365 who was created just for HEL by all His relatives - The Powers That Be.

Mix in her crazy, overbearing mother with a sick sense of entitlement where her children are concerned and the wherewithal to do pretty much anything she wants, and you've got a story with thrills, chills, laughs, and a whole lotta love.


The only question is – Is this the one where Hell actually freezes over?

Nobody knows for sure. Even Fate and Destiny have popped their popcorn, added the Milk Duds, have their diet cokes at the ready, and are tuned in to see what happens.

Buckle up, Buttercups. It's gonna be one heck of an interdimensional bumpy ride you're just gonna love.

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Wanna see how Hel's story started?
Check Out:

She’s Fate.
He’s a god.
What was the Universe thinking?
Nobody knows for sure. So, buckle up, Buttercups. It's gonna be one heck of an interdimensional bumpy ride you're just gonna love.


Begin the Epic Journey for Free!

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Badass of the Golden Fire Clan. Strong. Ancient. And looking for love. He can defeat the enemy with a single look, but can he slay the heart of the one made for him before time runs out?

Sassy and stubborn have gotten Kyndel through everything life had to throw at her. Will her moxie help when destiny falls at her feet? Hundreds of years of loyalty to Dragon Guard have made Rayne a fearless leader. When the long foretold pull of his mate rocks the Commander’s world to its core will he be able to save her from his enemies in time?

The chemistry between this strong-willed curvy girl and fierce warrior makes all the difference in the world where nothing is as it seems. The existence of an ancient race of honor-clad, tradition-bound protectors might be hard to accept but now the dead are coming back to life and holding a knife to her neck.

Can these fated mates defeat their greatest enemies and get their happily ever after? Fate Will Not Be Denied!!

Don't stop now!
is only 99¢!

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Her sharp wit and his fierce strength are all that’s standing between these Fated Mates and certain death.

Can Grace distract her captor by playing the witless damsel in distress? Will Aidan make it before the traitor discovers their deception? Can these Fated Mates defy all odds to find their happily ever after?

This Guardsman must protect his Mate at all costs. Even if it means staining his hands with the blood of his kin.

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Don't stop now!
There's more betrayal, danger, high-flying chills and thrills, and

And there will be HELL to pay!

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Can a blind Dragon see without eyes? Can the Basilisk heal with a touch?

Lost. Alone. Without his Clan for over a century.
He searches for the one person who can make him whole.

Headstrong. Independent. Trying to put her Family back together before it's too late.
She didn't know what she was looking for until she found him.

The enemy is near. The clock is ticking.
The Fate of the Paranormal World is in their hands.

Move over, Fate. Take a holiday, Death,
The bad guys better beware, This Dragon has found his Mate, and there will be Hell to pay.

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Ancient, Angry, and Looking for Vengeance.
These aren’t your momma’s Dragons.

Unbeatable, Unstoppable, and damned near Indestructible.
They are the Dragon Guard Berserkers.

Move over Fate. Take a holiday, Death.
The Boys are Back, and There’s Hell to pay.

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Does pride come before the fall? Can two of the most formidable beings in the universe put theirs aside to save themselves? Only one thing’s for certain: Destiny will not be denied!


He is proud. He is powerful. He is unstoppable.

His is The King.

There is nothing he can’t do…

Except convince his Mate they were made for each other.


She is a force of nature. She is the daughter of a god. She is an Empress Eagle Shifter unlike any other.

She is his Queen.

There is nothing she can’t do…

Except ask her Mate for help.


If pride does come before the fall, can Max and Ettie suck it up before it’s too late?


There's a New DRAGON
on the Horizon!

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Will the Special Child born of humans save Dragonkin as the Ancients foretold now that she's a woman?
Will she bring Light to the lost and exterminate the Evil plaquing the World?
Can she wake HER DRAGON in time?

Going from childhood to adulthood in the blink of an eye, the Special Child has seen more in her sixteen years than most people experience in a lifetime. Although she was born to human parents and had an idyllic childhood, something never felt quite right. Then, after a freak accident at six years old, she found her true Family.
She found the Dragons.

Possessed by a Demon. Trapped in a Hell on Earth. Tortured and tormented until death seemed like a welcome respite, this Guardsman hadn't opened his eyes in more years than he could count and didn't care if he ever did.
Then everything changed. He felt her touch.
He felt hope for the first time in a long time.

Together, this couple is prophesied to save the World, but will they come together in time?
Can Sydney wake her Dragon, or will Evil finally get its due?
It is said that Fate will not be denied, but there's a first time for everything, right?

Holler at me anytime at



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All the planning in the world can't beat dumb luck.
Or a missing Mate….
Or an ancient curse….


Being the youngest of the MacAllen Clan, Heath thought he had everything figured out. After all, wasn't he the one who had the Gift of Sight and could read everybody's mind without even thinking about it?

Then Fate and the Universe kicked him right in the butt, and everything changed. He walked into Sam's Diner, looked into the eyes of a woman he'd known his whole life – and bam! He knew she was his One True Fated Mate, the one the Universe made for him.

Never one to jump into anything, Heath did what he always did – he dragged his heels and waited for the perfect time to get down on one knee…

But as his momma always says, 'A Dragon often meets his destiny on the road he took to avoid it.'

Now, Maggie's gone. A Curse he didn't even know existed was activated when Arawn, the Celtic god of Death, and none other than the Omnipotent Being known as Fate – that god's Mate, stepped onto the steaming sands of the Chihuahuan Desert. And now, well, Heath is up Shi*t Creek without a paddle.

Can he send a foe darn near as old as the Dragon King with whom he shares his soul back to Helheim? Can he save Maggie before she's driven mad? Can he kick Dumb Luck's a$$ and make the idiot pay for ruining his plans for an unforgettable proposal to his Mate?

Nobody's got the answers, not even the Guardsman with the Gift of Sight. But two things are true:
Fate will not be Denied, and Heath plans to show the forces of evil who's her Dragon and would give up his own life to save hers.

Have you read this one?

She’s Fate. He’s a god.
What was the Universe thinking?

Take the Omnipotent Being responsible for the beginning, middle, end, and everything in between of the existence of every living being on the blue and green ball we all call home.

Add the man, the king, the Celtic god of Annwn and Welsh god of Death no less, with the cutest butt and most amazing eyes she's ever seen, who was created just for her by all her relatives - The Powers That Be.

Mix in a lovesick Primordial god who refuses to take no for an answer and possesses the wherewithal to do pretty much anything he wants, and you've got a story with thrills, chills, laughs, and a whole lotta love.
The only question is – Is this the one where Fate will actually be denied?

Nobody knows for sure. So, buckle up, Buttercups. It's gonna be one heck of an interdimensional bumpy ride you're just gonna love.


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We're going back to Kyndel and Rayne, Grace and Aiden, and Sam and Lance!
We're going back to the Golden Fire Clan!
We're going to the ones who started it all with brand new stories!

More thrills! More chills! More Fated love!


COMING in 2025!
(As long as my fingers keep tapping these keys! LOL)

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Amazon Everywhere

These Guardsmen ride the line between life and death every day, but this time, it's the Fate of Mankind at stake.
They're Dragons. They're Doctors.
They're Our Only Hope.

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Welcome to the amazing world of the Dragon Guard! A group of extraordinary men who carry on the honorable tradition of protecting their kin from the forces of old that seek to drive them into extinction. Bestowed with the heart and soul of the long forgotten dragon warrior race and the integrity of those that came before them, these Guardsmen tirelessly work with a single-minded determination to rid the world of an evil so deadly it threatens all they hold dear.


There are no coincidences…


In Her infinite wisdom the Universe has created a mate for each of Her fierce Dragon Guardsmen. A woman that will complete the warrior as no other can. She will bring light to his soul, love to his life and hope to his very long future. The arduously long wait for the woman that will fill their world with all that is good and right is nothing compared to the eternity of love these two will share. Their holy book says, ‘when the two halves of the same whole meet, there will be instant recognition. Their souls will merge, and only then will the man and dragon know complete peace, they will have found their true home. It will be as if the time before they met their mate does not exist. All that will matter will be that they become one in body, mind, and soul with the One the Universe made for them.’


The Universe does not make mistakes…


The strong and sassy women created to compliment the men of the Elite Dragon Guard are no shrinking violets. Each possess a warrior spirit, a heart of gold and characteristics that unbeknownst to them prepare them for eternity with their one true mate. The dragon elders say, ‘From the human race, women with great power will be born. Not the power to maim or destroy but the power to love, to heal, to uplift, and to rebuild. The beautiful ones will be created as the perfect complement for the men who take up our spirits. One woman destined for one man, to live on Earth and in the Heavens joined for all times. When the time is right, they shall discover one another. The two will become one, and the woman will provide the man and the beast with love, light and hope. Together they shall provide heirs that will allow our great race to continue for all eternity.’


Fate will not be denied…


Together these two souls will form a bond unlike any other, battle foes old and new and forge a new world where love is forever! Nothing worthwhile is ever easy and this amazing group of heroes and their mates fight with every fiber of their beings to get their happily ever after. Enter the world of the Dragon Guard and be forever changed…


      Praise for The Dragon Guard Series...


5++ Stars
"A fast paced story. Full of amazing twists that you will never predict coming. This one will have you at the edge of your seat! Laugh, love, and cry with these amazing couples, as the story unfolds and pulls you deeper into the Dragon Guard world. If you haven't read this series yet, I highly recommend you get started right away."

                                                                                     -All Things Book -Review


"There are no coincidences. The Universe does not make mistakes. Fate will not be denied" These words are so true for this story! So the Dragon Guard saga continues. This book engages so many different emotions, had me crying and it just pulls at your heartstrings. You know it's a great book when the author can accomplish all your emotions as this story does!!!

                                                                                      -Betty Olsen


"I don’t even know where to begin with this book. Many have Andrew the traitor through out this entire series but I myself have seen more. I didn’t know what till now.
Wow what a bunch of shockers the author has given us and surprises to go with them. I didn’t know if I wanted to cry, scream or laugh. Andrew knows he has a mate and who she is. The issue now is she is feeling every ounce of his pain. He wants to release her from him but a bunch of things begin to happen. The gods themselves intervene. Emma will fight to the death for her mate. He may be a traitor but in her eyes he is her mate. Will the other guards stand aside?
Someone is lost to the guards and hearts will mourn. I have read every single book in this series and I have to say. THIS one is THE BOMB DIGGITY of them all. I freaking loved it."

                                                                                          -Book Nook Nuts, Tammy

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Get ready for mystery and intrigue, good guys taking on the bad guys, and LOTS of steamy romance!

These Dragons refuse to give up! They are Superheroes in Scales,

and they are here to Save The Day!

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Can Love, a Legend, and a Destiny written in the stars, defeat evil and mend two broken hearts?


Can this brave young Witch find the answers she so desperately needs? Will her knight in shining Dragon scales apprehend the person who murdered her parents? Or will the Evil lurking in the desert's sweltering heat claim another life?


Only Destiny knows the answers, and She's not talking. But one thing's for sure: Fate Will Not Be Denied, and neither will sexy Agent Evans.

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